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Jan 08, 2019 rated it did not like it
Let me start by saying that although I'm not overly religious, I do believe there is a spirit world and some sort of existence after death. What that involves I'm not sure. I'm open to the idea of guardian angels. I'm open to the possibility that there is much more to life and death than what has been proven to us and is known for sure.

This book had me rolling my eyes. So many statements and ideas I read made me think "What a load of sh!te".

These were my main issues with the book:

1. The basis o

Let me start by saying that although I'm not overly religious, I do believe there is a spirit world and some sort of existence after death. What that involves I'm not sure. I'm open to the idea of guardian angels. I'm open to the possibility that there is much more to life and death than what has been proven to us and is known for sure.

This book had me rolling my eyes. So many statements and ideas I read made me think "What a load of sh!te".

These were my main issues with the book:

1. The basis of many of the stories was one word or sentence said by a toddler and then blown up into something of "divine importance and knowledge" by the adult storyteller. Often this seemed like a big stretch of imagination.

2. The cliched sentences that were used throughout, such as "He is an old soul" and "She has wise eyes" and "God is good". Every time I came across one of these sentences I wanted to scream!

3. The concept that we choose our parents before we are born. Tell that to the large percentage of children that have spent their lives being abused or neglected by their parents. Don't even try to explain it as all part of some bigger life lesson and life plan, that is like a slap in the face for those poor children.

4. I could have done without the introductory and concluding pages of each chapter, written by Dr Dyer. He lost all credibility for me when he claimed he "accepted an invitation to experience a past-life regression firsthand". How convenient. He must've needed some material for another book.
He also talked about the conception of his child and how something supernatural had taken place in the hotel room that night! Oh god, what a picture!!!
Dr Dyer seems to have an almost unnatural obsession with babies and young children and the concept that they are here to teach us something. His instructions to the reader on how they should interact with their young children were super condescending.

5. The repetition. I understand that many of these accounts contain similar information in an attempt to prove that they must be real occurrences, but all it achieved was create a bunch of stories that lacked interest.

I almost gave up on this book and DNF, in fact i started skimming the stories from halfway through just to get it over and done with. Luckily it was a short read.

Kati Polodna
Dec 10, 2015 rated it really liked it
I found this at my library when I shelving and flipped open to a page. I was drawn in right away. They're just little stories from around the world about kids and heaven or Jesus or precognition about things they shouldn't know, but it was so interesting. I was up until almost midnight reading it straight through. I found this at my library when I shelving and flipped open to a page. I was drawn in right away. They're just little stories from around the world about kids and heaven or Jesus or precognition about things they shouldn't know, but it was so interesting. I was up until almost midnight reading it straight through. ...more
Jan 10, 2016 rated it liked it
This was really more like a 2.5, but since that isn' t an option I gave it three. I found the anecdotes interesting, but that is really all it is; lots and lots of short anecdotes, and white space. This book could probably have saved half of the paper it was printed on. It was a fast easy read. Children definitely have lots to say, and we certainly should listen, but this is not the best book ever. This was really more like a 2.5, but since that isn' t an option I gave it three. I found the anecdotes interesting, but that is really all it is; lots and lots of short anecdotes, and white space. This book could probably have saved half of the paper it was printed on. It was a fast easy read. Children definitely have lots to say, and we certainly should listen, but this is not the best book ever. ...more
Katische Haberfield
I really enjoyed this. Some of the kids make you laugh out loud. I'll have to make a podcast episode about this :) I really enjoyed this. Some of the kids make you laugh out loud. I'll have to make a podcast episode about this :) ...more
Westminster Library
This was a sweet book! I enjoyed reading the innocent comments that the children make about heaven. The format of this book in unique in that it is just excerpts from letters that family members submitted. They note the experience they felt when the child in their lives made a comment or recalled and experience about heaven.

Find Memories of Heaven at the Westminster Public Library.

This was a sweet book! I enjoyed reading the innocent comments that the children make about heaven. The format of this book in unique in that it is just excerpts from letters that family members submitted. They note the experience they felt when the child in their lives made a comment or recalled and experience about heaven.

Find Memories of Heaven at the Westminster Public Library.

Gena DeBardelaben
eARC: Netgalley

I began reading this book with the assumption that it was Christian based. It is not. It's more along the lines of new age universalism or maybe even pantheism. Jesus is mentioned in the text, but other doctrines are as well.

I was interested in the book because of several things my granddaughter had said when she was very young about how things were when she lived with God before she came to live here. There are quite a few stories of other children sharing similar experiences.


eARC: Netgalley

I began reading this book with the assumption that it was Christian based. It is not. It's more along the lines of new age universalism or maybe even pantheism. Jesus is mentioned in the text, but other doctrines are as well.

I was interested in the book because of several things my granddaughter had said when she was very young about how things were when she lived with God before she came to live here. There are quite a few stories of other children sharing similar experiences.

It was an interesting read.

Feb 02, 2019 rated it it was ok
Go ahead and read it if you are into parents brainwashing their children and then asking targeted questions to see if the answers remotely match the brainwashing. Not my cup of hot chocolate.
Jul 23, 2019 rated it it was ok
The book is a collection of emails that people sent it. Although nice to read, its basically a printed out Reddit feed.
Magnificently eye-opening...

For my whole life I've always believed there was more to us than our physical bodies. I remember, only once, as a child stopping myself (amid getting in trouble for something I can't even remember now what it was) and the whole room seemed to empty out of my surroundings, including the people and objects. In that moment I felt peace and asked, "who am I, why am I here?" Although the answer did not come to me at that moment because I was jarred back into "reality" with

Magnificently eye-opening...

For my whole life I've always believed there was more to us than our physical bodies. I remember, only once, as a child stopping myself (amid getting in trouble for something I can't even remember now what it was) and the whole room seemed to empty out of my surroundings, including the people and objects. In that moment I felt peace and asked, "who am I, why am I here?" Although the answer did not come to me at that moment because I was jarred back into "reality" with the screaming voice of my mom's boyfriend (my own father passed away when I was 7).

My life after that moment seemed to just fly by. I've always believed in Guardian Angels. It wasn't until I was introduced to Dr Wayne W Dyer and the whole Hay House family of authors that I started to put together what life means for me, "who I am and why I'm here". This book covers a topic I've always had great interest in, the miracles we call children and their amazing connection to our Divine presence. My wish is that one day we all remember and take that remembrance throughout our whole life and not just as children. Happy reading!

Mar 09, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Our purpose as parents is to help grow healthy, imaginative kids. The authors message is that we need to encourage our children's spiritual experiences and not get in their way. "Make this an idea that comes alive for them, rather than a subject that you push aside because it might interfere with some long-held notions of the absurdity of such an idea, or because it might conflict with some cultural or religious teaching that you may have unconsciously adopted as an unassailable truth."

I am not

Our purpose as parents is to help grow healthy, imaginative kids. The authors message is that we need to encourage our children's spiritual experiences and not get in their way. "Make this an idea that comes alive for them, rather than a subject that you push aside because it might interfere with some long-held notions of the absurdity of such an idea, or because it might conflict with some cultural or religious teaching that you may have unconsciously adopted as an unassailable truth."

I am not wise enough to understand the subject of re-incarnation. Can children be telling us about their past lives? "Whenever a child shares their memories of being in the same family in a different role ... know that they are communicating from a mind that is uncontaminated by the ideas and teachings we adults have been indoctrinated with. They are simply speaking their truth." How can we describe something that is beyond the realm of time and space from our limited experience living in the realm limited by time and space?

Susan Swiderski
Years ago, a segment of Art Linkletter's TV show entailed him interviewing a small panel of young children, and invariably, he received surprising, often laugh-out-loud responses to his questions. He even wrote a very funny book based on those interviews, titled "Kids Say the Darnedest Things."

Well, this book is kinda like that... but different. Yes, kids DO say some amazing things, but rather than focus on the funny, this book concentrates on their more profound statements. It's a compilation

Years ago, a segment of Art Linkletter's TV show entailed him interviewing a small panel of young children, and invariably, he received surprising, often laugh-out-loud responses to his questions. He even wrote a very funny book based on those interviews, titled "Kids Say the Darnedest Things."

Well, this book is kinda like that... but different. Yes, kids DO say some amazing things, but rather than focus on the funny, this book concentrates on their more profound statements. It's a compilation of worldwide anecdotes submitted to the authors describing what very young children have said about their pre-birth existence, their recollections of God and angels, and also includes some of their unfiltered "words of wisdom."

Some may dismiss these accounts as New Age "woo-woo weirdness," and others may see it as evidence of our undisputed spiritual nature. Me? I think it provides some very interesting and fast-reading food for thought.

Oct 22, 2020 rated it really liked it
I found this book to be really interesting and loved reading the stories that were submitted for the book. The first time I had heard something about this subject was when a neighbor talked about her daughter having an imaginary friend. I was fascinated by this. I now have Granddaughter's and can't wait to explore this with them.
I see things in one of my Granddaughters that would suggest an Italian background? So, reading this book has helped me to slow down my thinking and I can't wait for some
I found this book to be really interesting and loved reading the stories that were submitted for the book. The first time I had heard something about this subject was when a neighbor talked about her daughter having an imaginary friend. I was fascinated by this. I now have Granddaughter's and can't wait to explore this with them.
I see things in one of my Granddaughters that would suggest an Italian background? So, reading this book has helped me to slow down my thinking and I can't wait for some mention of the Other Side or a past life experience.
The stories for the book weren't bogged down and were quick and to the point.
If you are interested in this subject matter give this book a read and then pay attention if you are around young children. If it can happen to them I am believing it could happen to me and the rest of us.
Robert Lloyd
A subject near and dear to my heart

I currently am the father of three beautiful children, and although I can't say they have had any experiences like those in this book, I do believe their beauty and innocence is truly divine. This book was enjoyable because along with the interesting stories I felt a greater appreciation for my own children's spiritual worth and beauty. In some ways this book is very simple as it is mostly a collection of anecdotes, however the authors did bring up some good id

A subject near and dear to my heart

I currently am the father of three beautiful children, and although I can't say they have had any experiences like those in this book, I do believe their beauty and innocence is truly divine. This book was enjoyable because along with the interesting stories I felt a greater appreciation for my own children's spiritual worth and beauty. In some ways this book is very simple as it is mostly a collection of anecdotes, however the authors did bring up some good ideas of different ways to view our children and more fully appreciate them. Overall I really enjoyed this book.

Jun 02, 2021 rated it did not like it
I picked this book up because although I'm not religious and have not raised my children with religion, my oldest, for some time, described her time up in the clouds. There were parades. And unicorns. And after my dad passed away she said he was up there with all her sisters. She is older now and no longer talks about her time up there. But I was interested if any of the stories in this book would be similar or confirm some of what she had described. No such luck. This was a breeze to finish bec I picked this book up because although I'm not religious and have not raised my children with religion, my oldest, for some time, described her time up in the clouds. There were parades. And unicorns. And after my dad passed away she said he was up there with all her sisters. She is older now and no longer talks about her time up there. But I was interested if any of the stories in this book would be similar or confirm some of what she had described. No such luck. This was a breeze to finish because it is very repetitive. Mostly Christian American stories with some other countries dabbled in. Glad I picked it up for my curiosity but it didn't move me (not surprisingly). ...more
May 02, 2019 rated it really liked it
A beautiful compilation of human experiences with the spirits around us. The purity of children allows us to touch the power and energy around us. This book reminds the grown ups to listen very carefully when children talk to us and to respect them. I am looking forward to experiencing this for myself. The book also answered few of my own questions about the spiritual world. I am very grateful for this knowledge.
Nicolette Froelicher
One of the best I have ever read!! I will always keep this book with me!! My mom has always told me from day 1 that I chose her to be my mom and I fully believe that and I am very grateful that she has never tried to stifle or deny my spirituality and the things I have seen and has helped me to embrace those gifts. So I hold this book very dear to my heart.
Apr 25, 2021 rated it liked it
Short recollections, mostly by parents of comments of their children about heaven, seeing deceased loved ones, remembering "past lives". Interesting and fast read though being a Christian, not sure what to think about the stories about the possibility of reincarnation. All in all it was amazing that children so young, especially 2 yrs old, would be able to relate the experiences. Short recollections, mostly by parents of comments of their children about heaven, seeing deceased loved ones, remembering "past lives". Interesting and fast read though being a Christian, not sure what to think about the stories about the possibility of reincarnation. All in all it was amazing that children so young, especially 2 yrs old, would be able to relate the experiences. ...more
Sharon M. Koliba
Very comforting

I enjoyed all the stories retold and it gives me comfort to know there is something beyond this earthly life. I just finished the book but I know I'll re-read it.

Very comforting

I enjoyed all the stories retold and it gives me comfort to know there is something beyond this earthly life. I just finished the book but I know I'll re-read it.

Teresa Biggie
Aug 08, 2017 rated it really liked it
I know most of these were taken from the internet.. but they were so short... short paragraghs...and some just seemed like the same thing but changed the names of the children. They were amazing but I wish there were more to the story
Katie Warburton
Very interesting

I found this book very interesting, reading some of the stories reminded me of a memory I have, where my infant son said something very similar to me. I would recommend this book.

Grace Palmer
I usually love Wayne dyer books but this is more like lots and lots of stories from parents of children who pretty much say they know where they came from. So it's more a collection of letters from parents than a book... wouldn't read again.
Adoree Blair
Great examples of what children say that we either ignore or shrug off - but we should listen to them! It's a fun read - Great examples of what children say that we either ignore or shrug off - but we should listen to them! It's a fun read - ...more
Natalia Dewi
Jan 17, 2018 rated it it was amazing
One of Dr Wayne Dyer's life changing books. Love it. One of Dr Wayne Dyer's life changing books. Love it. ...more
breath-taking. inspiring. sad, yet hopeful.

very well written and documented.

a must read for yourself. no words can describe the feelings this book brings.

Cassandra Healey
This is essentially a complication of very short statements grouped by category. You must trust the authors that each statement is true.
Jun 03, 2018 rated it really liked it
A fascinating insight into the world of spirit and how closely we are all connected to wonder that has gone before us and is yet to come.
Jul 12, 2018 rated it really liked it
Pretty dang interesting! Who knew we "picked" our parents. Pretty unbelievable stuff, but it's been documented repeatedly so maybe there is truth to this information. Very fascinating! Pretty dang interesting! Who knew we "picked" our parents. Pretty unbelievable stuff, but it's been documented repeatedly so maybe there is truth to this information. Very fascinating! ...more
Aug 18, 2018 rated it really liked it
Listen to the little children for they are wise with messages of home, if we open our hearts to the possibility.
Rosanne Siegel
interesting ideas and warming
Love it

What an amazing reminder that we are part of something bigger than our own ego and how children still conected .

Wayne Walter Dyer was a popular American self-help advocate, author and lecturer. His 1976 book Your Erroneous Zones has sold over 30 million copies and is one of the best-selling books of all time. It is said to have "[brought] humanistic ideas to the masses".

He received his D.Ed. degree in counseling from Wayne State University. He was a guidance counselor in Detroit at the high school level and

Wayne Walter Dyer was a popular American self-help advocate, author and lecturer. His 1976 book Your Erroneous Zones has sold over 30 million copies and is one of the best-selling books of all time. It is said to have "[brought] humanistic ideas to the masses".

He received his D.Ed. degree in counseling from Wayne State University. He was a guidance counselor in Detroit at the high school level and a professor of counselor education at St. John's University in New York.
He first pursued an academic career, publishing in journals and running a successful private therapy practice, but his lectures at St. John's, which focused on positive thinking and motivational speaking techniques, attracted students beyond those enrolled. A literary agent persuaded Dyer to package his ideas in book form, resulting in Your Erroneous Zones; although initial sales were thin, Dyer quit his teaching job and began a publicity tour of the United States, doggedly pursuing bookstore appearances and media interviews ("out of the back of his station wagon", according to Michael Korda, making the best-seller lists "before book publishers even noticed what was happening"


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